Friday 6 April 2012

What is blogging?

Blogging can be seen as an online diary. It can be both personal and professional that persons and companies can use to highlight their day to day activities. It usually has a central theme. IE: A person may keep a travel blog; a company keeps a corporation blog for shareholders to view about daily operations.


Who uses blogs?

There are personal and business blogs.
Personal blogs are owned and maintained by individuals and pertain to personal interests of the owner.
Business blogs, however, are owned and operated by corporations. The purpose of these blogs is to spread information regarding certain products to their customers.
The customers that they are marketing to via the blogs depend on who the target demographic is…
Is it Business to Business, Business to Customer, or Business to Government?

Business blog example

Personal blog example

What does a business blog entail?

Blogs are a viable tool for businesses to interact with their consumer base.
They provide an easy way for consumers to stay in touch with a business without becoming overly involved.
An effective communication tool, blogs for business expands the range of customers the business can have as the business is not limited to their location.

Why should businesses use blogs?

Creates a competitive advantage for the business as they can differentiate their products and brands amongst competitors.
To attract new prospects by way of new customers, potential new investors, or other business opportunities.
An inexpensive platform for advertising the business via social networking.
Improve internal communication.
a blog is a good way to ensure that all employees under the business managers understand the goals of the company by providing a database of information.
An easy and accessible way for customers to access inventory of product.
Allows for an effective and easy way for customers to browse inventory stocks without feeling overwhelmed.
Provides a stronger chance of sale.
Business differentiation
Connection with customers/external communications (B2C, B2B)
Brand awareness
Educational marketing

What are the disadvantages?

Privacy. Managers must be able to trust employees that they won’t reveal any of the company’s secrets
Must be aware of the content posted on a corporate blog, nothing inappropriate or controversial
Time-consuming task and difficult to maintain
The people who have the most time to write have the least to say, while the people who have the most knowledge don’t have time to write it. The real experts are “hidden”.
Time and resource commitment: the blog must be frequently updated and maintained.

Future Uses:

Blogs are becoming major sources in the way of obtaining third party news instead of going through traditional streams of news gathering from places like the Vancouver Sun and The Province.
Businesses are growing out of these blogs themselves. An example is Deadline Hollywood – a news blogging website that has become so expansive that they are now seen as a direct competitor to Variety instead of being just another fringe entertainment news site.
These sites are also spinning off new sites. IE Deadline now has sister sites in and
Blogs are being used to set up online shows for existing boutiques around the world. IE: TopShop.
A new career known as “blog consulting” has emerged from blogs wherein these consultants come in to refresh and revitalize corporate blogs.

Friday 30 March 2012

General Motors (GM)
- GM posts about their cars and trucks, and new designs for future models on their blog (GM FastLane)

GM FastLane Blog

Southwest Airlines
- Southwest Airlines posts entertaining topics on their blogs such as behind-the-scene videos and interesting/fun stuff that goes on in the company

Nuts About Southwest

- BBC posts behind-the-scene videos and pictures on their blog (BBC Blog Network)

BBC Blog Network

- Adobe employees have their own blogs where they can post reviews, tutorials and advice on Adobe products

- Posts news about their products and gives technical support to customers on their blog (Direct2Dell)

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25 benefits of business blogging